
Letter of the Week- Letter X

We are almost done with the alphabet!  We aren’t doing a lot of crafts as we are busy enjoying the little bit of summer that is left.  We are going on vacation in a couple of weeks and when we get back we’re going to get back into our routine of doing more crafts and learning activities.

Anyhoo- this week I showed Hailey 2 choices for the letter X over at No Time for Flashcards and she wanted to make the “X is for X-Ray” choice.  We did ours a little bit differently, but we got our idea from there.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Here’s what you’ll need: construction paper- black and white, scissors, crayons, glue and saran wrap.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Cut out two bones and a boarder.  If your child is a bit older you can have your child help with the cutting.  Since Hailey is almost 3 she is going to start doing a lot more cutting for our projects.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Color the black paper- we used white and silver.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Glue the bones on to look like an X.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Take a piece of saran wrap and lay it on the table, stretched out nice and flat.

Our Crafts ~N~ Things

Put the black paper face down on the saran wrap and then tape the extra to the back of the black paper.

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Flip it over and glue on the boarder.

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The finished X is for X-ray.

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