Letter of the Week- Letter K
Sorry that we went missing for a few days. If you read Livin’ With Me then you know that we are preparing to put our house up for sale and we have just been really busy. But I really need to work on doing at least a daily craft with Hailey because she needs her routine and loves doing crafts. So, we are back!
This week we are focusing on the letter K and we made a King K. Like many of our letter of the week art activities, I found this idea at No Time for Flashcards.
Here’s what you’ll need: a large letter K on construction paper, two other pieces of construction paper, colored pencils, some sequins, glitter and (not pictured) glue.
Color the letter K.
Add a crown to your K.
Decorate your King K. We added sequins and glitter.
The finished King K.

Wow! That is one of the most impressive King K’s I have ever seen! I especially like the glitter paint used on the outline. I think that really makes it look cool.
I host a feature on my blog called The Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection. Would you be interested in linking up your blog to our collection? I think people would LOVE to see your alphabet ideas. You can view the master list here: http://theattachedmama.blogspot.com/2010/07/ultimate-alphabet-craft-collection.html
Your fan,
Cathy aka The Attached Mama