Who Built the Ark?
We are still learning about Noah. Most of our activities revolve around reading the story and playing with the Noah’s ark toy that I posted about last week.
We have been working on Hailey’s memory verse- God will keep His promise. Hebrews 11:11
We also did some more work on the rainbow and talked about God’s promise.
Hailey adding some orange to the rainbow.
We also added the yellow and green last week.
I had another activity planned for our Noah theme, but we never got around to doing it. We were going to do a “Float Vs. Sink” chart and set up a tub of water on the kitchen floor (with towels underneath it). Then add various items to the water to see if they would sink or float- then put them on our chart in the correct column. We ran out of time and never did do this activity, but it is a fun idea if you need any Noah ideas.
Please also take a second to stop by the Velveeta Casserole Challenge and vote for me (I’m the one on the right- Livin’ With Me and the Meat Lovers Pizza Casserole). You can vote once each day and I’d appreciate it so very much if you’d vote for me. Thanks!

Very cool rainbow! We haven’t gotten very far with colors here, so this is a great idea for one of these days soon!