Creation Days 4 and 5
Last week I taught Hailey about days 4 and 5 of creation. Here are the pictures we made to add to our Creation Story Wall.
Here’s what you’ll need: paper, glue, moon, stars, sun, yellow crayon, paper that says “Day 4” and paper that says, “God created the sun, moon and stars.”
Hailey glued on the sun and moon. The stars were stickers that she placed on. When she was done I helped her draw the beams coming out of the sun with a yellow crayon.
Finished Day 4- God created the sun, moon and stars.
And day 5-
You’ll need: paper, glue, cotton, blue tissue paper, pictures of fish, paint, paper that says “day 5” and paper that says “God created fish and birds.”
Glue the cotton on for clouds and the tissue paper on for water. Then add some fish to the water.
Use your child’s finger print to make birds. I showed Hailey how to do a few of them and then she took over.
Finished Day 5- God created fish and birds.
I just love the projects you set out for your girl! Truly inspiring.