Wheel Painting
I am still focusing on lots of fun songs with Hailey and then planning fun activities based on her favorite songs. Right now one of her favorite songs is The Wheels on the Bus. Here are the lyrics if you need them:
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.
Continue using phrases like:
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish…
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep…
The Driver on the bus says “Move on back”…
The baby on the bus says “Wah, wah, wah”…
The mommy on the bus says “Shhh, shhh, shhh”…
Click here to watch the song on YouTube if you need the tune.
So, since Hailey loves this song right now we did a painting using wheels.
Here’s what you’ll need: a couple of cars (with moving wheels), a couple of paint colors, 2 paper plates and a piece of paper.
Spread some paint on the plate- spread it out very thin or you’ll end up with blobs of paint rather than tire tracks.
Since Hailey had never done this before I had to show her how to roll the car in the paint and then put it on the paper. Once she saw how it worked she took right over.
Add another color, if you want- it is certainly not necessary.
The final picture.

My daughter is ususally the crafty one, but this is something my son would really enjoy!!
Hi, your blog is so cute, and so is your daughter! I am glad you found my blog…I know I (and our other moms) will be getting some great ideas from you!!!
🙂 Carisa