
Star Painting

I found another fun idea over at No Time for Flashcards that went well with our Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star theme. So, we decided to give it a try.

You’ll need: Card stock or construction paper (I used card stock), crayons, several dark colors of paint to mix together or black paint if you have it, paper plate and paper bowl, something to stir with if you’re mixing paint (I used the craft stick) and foam brushes.

First- draw several stars, a moon, some planets, etc. You will need to press pretty hard when you are coloring.

Put some dark colors together or if you have black paint- just use that.

Stir the paint together.

Put a very thin layer on the plate.

Paint over your stars, planets and moon.

The finished picture. (I had actually drawn a lot more stars using silver and gray, but our paint turned out the same color and you can’t really see a lot of our stars.)

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4 comments on “Star Painting

  1. mamajil on said:

    Neat craft!! Thanks for visiting my blog!
    I will be back so see what other cool ideas you have!

  2. Mozi Esme's Mommy on said:

    I like this one!

  3. jennifer on said:

    Cute! I love “No Time For Flash Cards”, she has great ideas.

  4. My daughter babysits for some toddlers. This is a great craft to do with them.

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