Fish Craft
You must admit that the titles I come up with for my posts are quite original. I guess that’s as good as it’s going to get since I’m usually working on my blogs around midnight.
Anyhoo, today I am sharing with you a super-duper, easy-peasy craft that relates to the beach theme we are doing this week.
Here’s what you need:
- Tissue paper
- Contact paper cut into the shape of a fish
I cut up the tissue paper into some little squares so it would be a bit more manageable for Hailey’s little hands.
And now for the fun- tear up the tissue paper. This is excellent for strengthening the muscles in the hands which are very important for those fine-motor skills. (As a side note- the marks you see on Hailey’s arms are my attempts at re-doing her tattoo’s that had faded away since our 4th of July celebration. It just broke her heart that her tattoos were gone, so I did my best to re-do them.)
Stick the torn up tissue paper on the fish shaped contact paper.
Add another piece of contact paper to hold all of the tissue paper in. Add a cute little face. And you have an adorable little fish.
You can display it on a window, or let your ornery toddler carry it around for the rest of the day.

How cute! We’ve made a couple of these “suncatchers” and Esme loves them, especially since she can carry them around and show them off afterwards! I’ll have to keep this one in mind when we get to “F”!
And I’ve subscribed so I can get more cool ideas! I just realized “castle” starts with “C”, so we may have to fit in a trip to the beach to make a sand castle still this week!
I forgot to mention in the last comment – I got Esme’s alphabet books at
Most of their crafts are a little too advanced for her, but I do get ideas there.
So cute!!!