Archive for the ‘Letter D’ Category
Letter of the Week- Letter D
I’m a week behind in posting our activities. These activities are actually from a couple of weeks ago. But we were out of town last week when I would have normally posted these. And since we weren’t home most of the week I didn’t do many activities with Hailey. She has also been really busy enjoying her new presents from her 2nd birthday and hasn’t wanted to do many crafts. We’re getting back into our regular routine this week though. So, I’ll be back to my regular posting and we’ll be doing lots of stuff that I’ll be sharing next week.
On to our activities:
Hailey decorated the letter D using finger paint. She does one of these each week for our letter of the week (using something different to decorate with each week)- then I cut it out and put it on construction paper and hang it on our refrigerator.
Then we made a D Dragon- an idea I found over at No Time for Flashcards.
Here’s what you’ll need: a large letter D on construction paper, 3 other pieces of construction paper in varying colors, crayons, scissors, wiggly eye and glue.
First I had Hailey color her letter D, but she wasn’t very interested in coloring it. So, we moved on to the next step. I cut up a bunch of triangles and had her glue them along the side of the D.
We added an eye and some fire coming out of his mouth. Then I glued it onto the black construction paper. This is our finished letter D dragon.
I decided to try something new with Hailey this week. I bought these dobbers a while ago but we haven’t used them yet. Since they make dots and dots start with D, I decided to use this activity for the letter D.
Here’s what you’ll need- dobbers and construction paper.
Hailey loved these dobbers. I loved them to because it didn’t matter how hard she hit the paper- they did not splatter. She dropped one and it hit the wall and the floor and wiped right off (I cleaned it immediately).
Hailey’s new thing to do is to turn away from me, close her eyes and eat whatever we are working with. So, here she is- thinking I can’t see her- rubbing her finger on the dobber and then licking it off.