Archive for June, 2014
Week In Review
Here is a little peek at what we’ve been up to:
Language Arts:
Hailey has been working hard on writing a story. First she wrote up a rough draft, then we typed the story, and finally she is working on illustrating it.
We have been having a lot of fun doing an author unit study about Tomie dePaola from Around the Kampfire. In this activity, Hailey made her own version of Tommy- the boy from the book The Art Lesson. We talked about how an author can tell us how he/she is feeling by the things that happen in a book. For example, Hailey though that Tomie dePaola thinks that people should be themselves because in the story Tommy is told that a real artist would never copy.
As we read through the books we will add to our gallery of characters- for now this is Hailey’s drawing of Tommy from The Art Lesson.
This is the cute folder we made to keep all of Hailey’s work in from this unit.
We are learning all about worms during science. Hailey checking out some worms that we used for various activities.
Hunter and Hailey made little habitats for the worms to live in. I love the look on Hailey’s face as she is picking up a worm to put in her jar.
The jars had oatmeal on the bottom, then we layered them with sand and dirt. We put worms on the top and then added some leaves. We observed them and watched them build their tunnels.
Hailey has decided that she wants to add a weekly baking lesson- so she made us some delicious cupcakes.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.
Tot School
Hunter is 29 months old.
We were back to our regular Tot School activities this week and had a good week.
Letter T activities:
(Printables for the letter T are from 1+1+1=1.)
Hunter started the week out by coloring his letter T paper. I’ve noticed lately that he actually colors the objects on the paper, rather than just coloring all over the page.
Hunter loves using the do-a-dot markers. He used them to stamp the letter Ts on the train.
T is for Train
Our shape this week is the square.
Hunted used blocks to stamp squares onto his paper. He really enjoyed this and asked to do it again later in the day.
Hunter glued squares onto a square to make a face.
We did some puzzles to practice shapes.
I put grass seed into Hunter’s sensory bin this week. He really enjoyed this and played with it for a long time!
I put soapy water into the water table and Hailey and Hunter played in it and used sponges to scrub it clean.
Hunter used his rainbow pegs to make a vacuum- he pretended to vacuum the floor with this.
I love finding Hunter taking books off the shelf to read.
Hailey read Hunter his Highlights magazine.
Hailey studied worms for science, and of course Hunter wanted to join in the fun.
Hunter and Hailey created little worm habitats so that we could observe our worms. I was surprised that Hunter actually picked the worms up to put them in his jar because he is not usually a fan of things like that.
Stop by 1+1+1=1 to see what the other tots were up to this week.
Be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest so you don’t miss any of our fun activities.